Work(Hard and Good)

When you launch a new blog, start a new business, or accept a new job, you might be tempted to work long hours and throw yourself into your work.

What you think might only be a month of hard work turns into more months and sometimes years. Your hard work becomes a pattern. You forget that there is a difference between hard work and good work.

Instead of compromising your health and relationships, start slowly. Don’t worry about how busy you are, but what you are really accomplishing.

  • Answering email all hours of the night instead of having dinner and time with your family is not good work.
  • Generating busy work by creating collateral or buying things that you don’t need is not good work.
  • Trying to connect with as many people as possible is not good work.

Instead, focus on quality connections that develop into long term relationships. Work with what you have, and only check and respond to email 2 or 3 times a day during business hours.

You will be happier, and healthier. That is good work.


Chris Dutton

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